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News on everything we’re doing as the friendly, professional environmental services company in northeast Alberta and northwest Saskatchewan.
At Pevach Corp. it’s in our nature to make nature work. Our Scrapbook features helpful blogs, tips, and a photo gallery so you can see us at our best—when we’re in the outdoors, working hard to make our clients happy!

The Pevach Post | Our Blog

tree services bobcat removing brush in Cold Lake

Top-Rated Tree Services in Cold Lake & Bonnyville AB

Need “tree services close to me” in Cold Lake or Bonnyville AB? Pevach Corp offers ...
trimming tree branches

3 Main Reasons You Shouldn’t Put Off Trimming Tree Branches

Trees are one of the best ways to add value to your home. They add ...

How a Firebreak Can Help Stop the Spread of a Forest Fire

It's expected to be a long and hot wildfire season this year. On an average ...
Tree Removal Saskatchewan

What Are The Recommended Tree Removal Procedures In Canada

Are you concerned that the older tree that's close to the roof of your commercial ...
tree relocation

5 Situations that Call for Tree Relocation and Why You Need a Professional

Having some trouble with trees? Trees cause millions of dollars worth of damage every year. ...
Slashing and mowing service

How Your Company Can Benefit from a Commercial Slashing & Mowing Service

The flora encroaching your property never caused much trouble and annoyance. The saplings became trees, ...
tree trimming service for utility companies

7 Benefits Of Tree Trimming Services For Utility Companies

Most people don't associate tree trimming with electric companies. Yet, they're an essential part of ...
best shade trees alberta

The Top 5 Fast Growing, Best Shade Trees For Alberta

We’re not all about cutting down trees here at Pevach. Not 100% anyway. Sometimes we’re ...
tree service company in Alberta

Four Tips For Caring For Trees This Winter

As your go-to tree service company in Alberta we've got tips to get you ready ...
emergency tree removal

7 Reasons You May Need Emergency Tree Removal in Saskatchewan

You probably think that the only time you might need emergency tree removal is after ...